Private Sellers

List your business for sale on our platform to get your listing in front of thousands of Australians looking to purchase an existing business.

Business for sale

What does each ad include?

Our platforms make it easy for you to advertise your businesses for sale.

Ability to make unlimited edits

Online dashboard to track leads

Analytics to track ad performance

Upload up to 20 images & 1 video per ad

Fixed price advertising - no commisions

Automated uploads available

Leads get sent direct to your inbox or phone

Learn more about our packages

You’ll receive information about our packages and how to register for an account.

Reasons to use Business Trade to list businesses for sale

Reasons to advertise with Business Trade

We have interested buyers from all over Australia that are looking to purchase a business in our newsletter mailing list.

Over 20,000+ members on Facebook. Take advantage of our community of interested buyers and sellers.

Got a question?

All prices offered on our website are inclusive of GST.

We only accept MasterCard and Visa credit card payments on our platform. 

We have a large mailing list to promote new listings and have many subscribers that have saved searches. Business Trade also has a large social media following with an active user base which we use to promote business listings on.

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